Project Overview: Ferrotec’s MeiVac group is an industry leader in providing high-quality thin film manufacturing systems, components, and process solutions. As a multi-faceted supplier of standard and specialty vacuum processing systems and components used in multiple high technology production and development applications, MeiVac has served markets include data storage, photonics, solar, telecom and Government research [...]
Mechanical Property Analysis of 3D printed 316L Stainless Steel 3D Parts
rehaas2020-05-28T10:24:45-05:00Project Overview: Powdered metallurgy in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and 3D printing is new technology in the materials science and engineering manufacturing world. The Virtual Foundry is manufacturing small metal parts using a 3D printer with a powder metal filament, and the parts are then sintered (compacted and formed a solid mass of material at [...]
Investigation of Cold Spray Coating Applications for the Repair of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in Dry Cask Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage
rehaas2020-05-26T10:44:34-05:00Project Overview: Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage in dry casks experience stress corrosion cracking (SCC) when stored for long periods of time in corrosive environments. Repair of SCC is needed in order to maintain the structural integrity and safety of the dry casks. Cold spray has been identified as a promising, scalable solution to the [...]