Project Description
Project Overview: The goal of this project is to create a metal matrix composite of titanium with ceramic fiber reinforcement that has superior properties and a lower density than pure titanium produced with the same method. The high specific strength and low density of Ti metal matrix composites is of extreme importance for high materials stress applications such as aerospace. These properties will be examined for the titanium/carbon fiber samples produced to determine whether such a material would be suitable for such applications.
Client: Dr. Tod Policandriotes, Senior Manager – High Temperature Composite Materials R&D. Collins Aerospace
Advisor: Russ Haas, Capstone Instructor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Team: Evan Letourneau, (Leader)
Ethan Coloma, (Technical Engineer)
Brian Densing, (Accountant)
Ryan Gielow, (Communicator)