Project Description
Project Overview: Inconel Alloy 625 is a nickel-based super-alloy that possesses high strength properties and resistance to elevated temperatures. Inconel 625 has demonstrates remarkable protection against corrosion and oxidation. The aerospace industry is exploring the use of additive materials (Metal Matrix Composites) in the aircraft manufacturing process. Inconel 625 samples manufactured and tested by Collins Aerospace have produced inconsistent mechanical properties result. This project will conduct a design of experiments using a variety of testing equipment (SEM, TEM, and optical microscope) on samples provided by Collins Aerospace. The goal is to provide clarity on mechanical properties of Inconel 625 manufactured using different additive materials techniques.
Client: Bill Wentland, Senior Materials and Process Engineering, Collins Aerospace
Advisor: Russ Haas, Capstone Instructor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Team: Aidan Pierce, (Leader)
Micah Cheng, (Communicator)
Nicholas Vogt,, (Technical Engineer)
Rafael Rodriguez, (Accountant, Budget)