Supporting the Materials Science and Engineering Design Courses
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Design Course Fund in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Capstone design projects provide an incredibly valuable learning experience to students, who integrate everything they have learned throughout the curriculum into a genuine engineering design experience. It has tremendous positive impact on our students’ readiness for the next phase of their careers.
The course design fund provides the margin of excellence that makes a UW-Madison MSE degree unique. The fund supports all aspects of capstone design, including
- Access to professional grade, fee-for-use instrumentation
- Acquisition of specialized equipment, materials, and software for capstone projects
- Support for on-campus events or attendance at off-campus events that enhance the student design experience
By supporting the Design Course Fund, you ensure our students will continue to have outstanding experiences in senior design. All gifts are much needed, greatly appreciated, and wisely put to use.